Der Grosse Angela Kalender 2018 – die moderne Heldinnensaga einer patenten Pastorentochter aus dem Osten in 12 vollfarbigen Bildern von Martin Doerken.

The Great Angela Calendar 2018

8. December, 2017

Tralala! This is The Great Angela Calendar 2018!
A modern heroine saga of a pastor´s daughter from the East in 12 fully colored pictures.
Let´s take a little look back and also ahead at Angela´s fabulous adventures on the stage of world politics.

What´s going on? Veritable novelty or real fake news? Factoidal half-bakedness? Slick sinuous lies? 

Or maybe a complete pony-riding-clubification?
Everything seems to be fake. Marketing meets propaganda, veritable novelty versus real fake news, frontiers that might have existed at some point have blurred a long time ago.

No politician is safe from Mr Doerken´s scalpel sharp view, who enters the stage directly form his Kreuzberg stronghold.
Merkel, Gabriel, Seehofer, Juncker, Putin, Obama, Erdogan, Trump, Johnson, Farage, Le Pen and other comedians sacrifice themselves on the politically correct altar of liberty and democracy.

Evidently something seems to be so absolutely wrong in politics and media display.
It´s high time to remove all filters and take a direct look back and forward at the over and over again same characters and incidents to tease out the deeply slumbering truth even deeper down below …

The calendar´s size is DIN Q3 (29,7 x 29,7 cm) and costs 14,95 € including delivery in Germany.

Martin Doerken – Kalender Angela 2018

Martin Doerken – Kalender Angela 2018 – Bacchus

Martin Doerken – Kalender Angela 2018 – Der Brexit aus Sicht von David Cameron

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